Monday, June 26, 2006

working hard

So Adobe Illustrator is a totally different beast than Photoshop. I don't know why I expected them to function similiarly, but I did. So I have spent all morning trying to make a very simple box with text in it. I had to figure out how to use spot colors, which, assuming I did it correctly, was suprisingly easy. I'll be sending the stuff off to the t-shirt guys later today so we'll see how successful I really was.

Anyway, I didn't do a whole lot this weekend. We watched some Scrubs (season 3), did a load or two of laundry and I even did a load of dishes! Not much else though. I saw an episode of the Dog Whisperer. I want to be a dog whisperer. Cesar is cool and Scout totally needs to be whispered.

Well...more work to do. See ya.

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