Thursday, November 23, 2006

happy turkey day!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have a great day, don't eat too much, and enjoy the company of family and good friends. :-)

Jeff, Heather, Scout, and Baby Berry

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

baby stuff

We had a doctor's appointment this morning! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and all is going well!! I have gained 1.5 lbs, but I am okay with that. My blood pressure has been good and they didn't say anything about my hemoglobin or urine, so that must be okay too.

Now that I am fully into the second trimester (16 wks on Thursday) I am beginning to enjoy the benefits of feeling like a normal human being again. I can eat normally (not eating 20 bowls of cereal a day anymore!) and I feel pretty good most days. I still have my tired days, but overall, I have had more energy to do stuff again - like help cook dinner or do my share of Scout walking.

Jeff has been an absolute trooper and has really made this experience a great one so far.

We go for our ultrasound on December 6th. With any luck, the baby will cooperate and we will be able to see if we are having a Ben or a Madison!! :-) Everyone say a little prayer for us that morning!

On a slightly different note, Jeff and I have started registering for baby stuff!! So far, we are registered for most of the basics at and at It has been an interesting process trying to figure what you actually need and what is just extra crap they try to sell new and unsuspecting parents. The book Baby Bargains has been a tremendous asset.

Jeff's cousin, LeeAnn, is letting us borrow their crib, so that is one thing we don't have to worry about! Also, we have picked out the crib bedding we like and the 4 peice set is on the way (thanks mom and dad)!! You can see a picture of it here. I was thinking about getting the canvas art and the mobile too. We may still get the mobile, but I have decided it would be more economical and more fun to buy the wall paper border and make my own art!

In anycase, things are slowly but surely coming together! Now we just have to figure out how to buy a house, give birth, take care of a newborn, and move...all in about 1.5-2 months. That should be easy...right?