Tuesday, June 27, 2006

nothing to say but sayin' it anyway

So...I don't really have anything to say. I just felt like I should post something. I am feeling pretty good today. Jeff and I are going to Chris and Elizabeth's house for dinner tonight and Elizabeth is making Thai food. I have never had Thai, so I am looking forward to it!

I made tortelloni alfredo last night and it was so awesome. By made I mean I made the alfredo sauce and boiled the store bought tortelloni...but that's really splitting hairs, isn't it? Anyway, it was really good and rich and everything you want alfredo to be...I so rule.

I love Nutty Bars. I had forgotten how yummy they are until a coworker split one with me yesterday. They are just plain scrumptious.

Have you ever watched 30 Minute Meals with Rachel Ray? That chick is nuts. If she says E-V-O-O one more time, I might have to hurl a large object at my television. Other than that though, I like her show. She makes good meals and has good time savings tips. If you can get past the super bubbly personality and the skin tight clothes then its worth watching.

Okay, so here are all the sites I have made in the last year/am responsible for updating:

New Life Presbyterian*



The ones with asterisk are the sites I am most proud of. :-) Let me know if you see any typos or if anything doesn't work!


Okay...break's over. Back to work!

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