Thursday, November 11, 2010

life ever just get you down?

So this past Monday I got a call from Ben's teacher that he had a 103 degree fever and I needed to come get him.  Long story short - he had PNEUMONIA!!  Uggghhhhhh!  So the nice restful week of recovering from the last several weeks of insanity around here that I had planned suddenly went out the window.  Ben and I stayed home all day on Tuesday (BTW: that was hellashious - he was mad he could not go to school, he was mad he could not play outside, etc.).  Essentially, he felt fine so in his logic, that meant he wasn't sick anymore.  So all these mean mommy rules I was imposing on him were just completely unfair!!  Anyway, he is still on oral antibiotics, even though the antibiotic shot he got at the doc on Monday really seems to have done all the heavy lifting with getting him better.  Hopefully he will continue to improve and when we finish these antibiotics, he will stay well long enough to be truly healed before getting another cold.  Darn cold and allergy season!


So the PresWIC retreat last weekend in Macon was awesome!  Our speaker, Susan Hunt, dealt with the topic of Biblical womanhood from generation to generation.  I learned a lot, but I know I already forgot more than I learned.  I plan to read a few of her books to keep the truths she spoke fresh in my mind.


My friend Erin is going to be giving birth to her second child, Eliot, anytime in the next two weeks.  I am so excited for her and for the family.  Not only do Eric and Erin get to have baby fun all over again, but Elizabeth will have someone that forever will be connected to her in a way that no future friendship can ever replace.  It makes me smile...and a little sad that despite our efforts, Ben may not ever have that.  Even though at this point he doesn't know what he's missing, I am jealous for him.  I love my brothers so much and no one will ever understand parts of the way that we are except for the three of us.  I so want that for my boy (not to mention the benefit to me personally of having another baby to love!).  So, anyway, you can be praying for us about that if you want...


And to round out this post and bring a smile back to my face - here is my Ben bear! :-)

Super lots of fun in NOLA this past September.

Ben and his handsome daddy.

Coming in for a BIG hug!

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