Friday, December 27, 2013

growing up before my eyes

Rarely as a mom do you get to literally, within a short span of time, see your child grow up.  But tonight, I had one of those moments.  A moment that was sweet and was so precious to me even though to many it may seem quite silly....Ben called his friends Nick & Noah (ten year old twins that Ben just LOVES).  It was the first time he has ever placed a call.  He wanted to call them (as in mom and dad were not MAKING him talk on the phone), he dialed the number, and we even went over what he should say when someone other than Nick or Noah answered the phone.  Unfortunately we did not discuss how to leave a message should that be necessary so I had to talk him through that in the moment.  It went something like: Me and then Ben repeating "This is Ben Newberry" "Can Nick or Noah call me back?" "My number is XXX-8421" "Bye!"

About three minutes later Suzanne, Nick and Noah's mom, called us back.  Ben answered the phone "Hi this is Ben" and he asked to speak to Nick or Noah.  After that he and his friends spent 15-20 minutes on the phone talking about their Christmas presents, specifically Skylander's Swap Force, which they all got for Christmas.  I stood in the kitchen watching him and listening to him as he described in detail and with much enthusiasm all the levels he had played through so far and as he asked his friends how their Christmas was and what level they had gotten to on the game and I thought: "Wow.  He is literally growing up right in front of me - in this very moment."  Jeff was working on his novel and did not seem to appreciate the moment the way I was, but I knew someone else who would, my mom.  She loved it and thought it was so sweet and so grown-up just like I did. :-)  She told me I should write it down so I didn't forget, so here we are.

I love that boy and cannot believe that in a few short months he will be seven.  I am so blessed. :-)

1 comment:

Mahala McDaniel said...

I was just thinking today..Brysen spent an entire day in big boy underwear with only one accident. I cry because I don't want him to grow up because of being scared of not knowing what the future holds but I know God will guide us and even though my baby is growing up right before, I am happy and feel blessed that he is learning who he is and understanding how to be independent.