Friday, March 25, 2011

$aving the green

So my crazy couponing friends at church gave a little Couponing 101 workshop to the ladies of New Life (and anyone else from the community that wanted to attend).  It was great and I have to say that each week, they seem less and less crazy...   :-)

I have begun by getting coupons from the Sunday paper for the last two weeks and printing off coupons from the internet.  If you, like me, are thinking about starting to coupon, then the most important thing is to begin collecting your coupons.  I have mine organized in a binder using baseball card holders (thanks Nicole and Missy!) and separated into sections like breakfast, freezer section, dairy case, medication, cleaning supplies, hair & beauty, etc., etc...

I have also begun CVS-ing.  At CVS you can earn extra care bucks(ecbs) back on certain purchases.  last week, for example I used some coupons and shopped at CVS specifially targeting the items I could get ECBs for and then simply buying some items that we need and that they had on sale and I had a coupon for.  I bought $120 worth of stuff (regular price retail value) and spent $36.  My friend Missy actually told me that once I get really good at this, I will spend more like $4 for a $100 worth of stuff.  Can't wait for that day!  :-)

So there is a fantastic website that anyone (but especially those of us in the South) can use to help manage the couponing chaos -   Go there.  It is awesome and totally worth your time to look through.

Anyway, all that to say, that if you get the Sunday paper and don't want your coupons, feel free to mail them to me!  I can totally put them to good use!  :-)

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