Monday, October 25, 2010


I am totally losing it.  I am super behind at work.  Exhausted.  Have a concert tonight with the alto part of two quartets I am not really ready to sing (thank God my solo was easy to learn).  We have something going on tomorrow night, church on Wednesday night, about three different things to do on Thursday night, the WIC conference that I am working on is next weekend and the list goes on.  To top it all off, I got a crazy bill for over $300 in the mail today for some lab work Ben had done 7 months ago!!

When I am stressed I am a horrible mommy.  My fuse is short and Ben bears the brunt of my frustration simply because he spends the most time with me and he is three, so therefore the most likely to push me past the point of no return on the stress-o-meter!

Can I just throw in the towel?


Anothermadhousewife said...

Feel your pain, Friend. Hang in there! Hugs, Erika

Anonymous said...

You are never a terrible mommy. Having a short fuse is a part of life sometimes. I wish we could have a Starbuck's venting date. Perhaps virtually? Love you! E.

Heather Newberry said...

Erika - you have lots o' children so my complaint really pales in comparison to the complaints you could make! Thanks for the encouragement :-) Ditto right back to you!

Erin - I am looking forward to painting day on Saturday...maybe we can have our venting date then! :-)