So the doc decided to move my due date forward to April 21 -- my original due date and coincidentally the date I was due to be born on as well! With the change of due date that means Ben is only measuring about 1 week and a few days ahead, so that's not so abnormal or scary. :-)
Jeff and I completed our Childbirth class and the Baby Basics class and just have one more left: Breastfeeding 101. I think we learned a lot. We got to take a tour of the Family Birthing Unit (or whatever fancy name they call it!). It is very nice. This is an exciting time and its so hard not think 24/7 about Ben and what having him (in all senses of the phrase - labor, delivery, bringing him home, living with a newborn day-to-day, etc.) is going to be like. I am so glad that we will have family and friends around to help us after Ben is born.
We have two more baby showers coming up - one is being thrown at work, and one by some friends from our church here in Athens. I am sure they will both be great!
Anyway, sorry if you wanted to learn about things other then the baby...there simply isn't anything else in my head!! :-)
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