We are looking forward to Christmas this year...our last Christmas without the pitter patter of kiddy feet (we will, of course, continue to enjoy the pitter patter of Scout's feet!). It is kind of crazy to think about, really. I wish we could see more family and friends this year. Ted and Kim are coming after Chirstmas, so we are excited to see them. I am sure Ted will be giving my stomach noogies in a continuing effort to perfect his technique. :-)
Baby Benjamin seems to be growing right along. I still haven't felt a lot of movement, but I think that, just maybe, I have felt some...its so hard to tell what it is. I am sure that as he gets stronger I will long for the days when I could not feel him! :-) He is supposedly about 10.5 inches long now and weighs 3/4 lb. -- who really knows though. His legs looked mighty long in his ultrasound so I would bet he's a tad longer at this point.
Wow, Benji's gettin' big...I know you guys probably don't want me to call him that. I think it's a cute nickname, though. How about "Benny"?
I hear ya about wanting to see more friends and family for Christmas. I think next year will be different.
btw...the site won't let me log in. This is Sarah.
You are so right...I hate Benji and Benny! :-) Ben is acceptable! :-) LOL!
I hope next year will be easier. We'll be back in Tifton then, so we will seem much closer to the fam. Who knows where you will be!! Any more news yet?
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