Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I love my family. Jeff, Chip and Ted, mom and dad - these are the people that know me, that have shaped me and loved me. Without them I would be lost. I often wish I lived closer to them all - my brothers especially. I was looking at some old pictures the other night and was overwhelmed with how much I miss seeing them everyday. I don't have a lot of pics on my computer, but here are some.

1) My dad, Mel Cothran (all the way to the right), when he was 14. I can see both of my brothers so clearly in his face.

2) My middle brother, Chip, and his fiance, Shannon.

3) Me, brother Ted (on bass), brother Chip (on guitar), and then boyfriend now husband Jeff (on guitar). This was Easter Sunday 1999. We were at my grandparent's house for Easter dinner. Jeff and I had been dating for like 2 weeks and my mom made him stand in a family photo...he was in hell. :-)

4) My youngest brother, Ted and his wife, Kim, on their Key West honeymoon.

Well, those are all the pics I have on my computer at the moment. I will get more pictures later. I have so many that I love it will be fun scanning them in...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey heather, dad here. i love this and hope to follow your writings. i love you big and bunches.