So, yesterday my doc decided to induce me on Monday!!! Jeff and I will head to the hospital by 6am Monday morning, April 9. Baby Ben weighs about 8 lbs right now according to yesterday's ultrasound and since I am already dialated 1cm and am 50% effaced with a soft cervix, she decided to go ahead with an induction. We don't want him to get too big and at this stage babies gain about 1/2 lb a week. And also, his head was measuring about 1.5 weeks ahead, so we want to go ahead and get that thing outta there!! :-) When the doc told us that it would be Monday, I thought Jeff was gonna pass out! But he held it together. :-)
Anyway, I was planning on working through today, but with this new development, yesterday was my last day. :-( I am gonna miss working at UGA and in Student Affairs very much, but I will mostly miss my wonderful, awesome friend and boss, Jan. She has been such a blessing to me. Thankfully, she will be coming to the hospital on Monday to help me and Jeff. :-) She just had a baby in Novemebr, so she has fresh memories of how all this works.... She'll be there to hold both of our hands!
Well, as soon as we have a baby, I will tell you all about him and post his pics for the world to see!